Creek Don't Rise

Classic Banjo suggestions about string suggestions
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Author:  paulrace [ Tue Sep 19, 2017 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Classic Banjo suggestions about string suggestions

A reader writes:

Since I'm playing a lot of classic style banjo these days (5-string, nylon or gut strings, guitar style finger picking) I think it might be helpful to add D'Addario Nylgut and LaBella nylon string choices. I'm also experimenting with nylon on my no-name tenor (I'll soon be getting a B&D Silver Bell 19-fret tenor). The sound is still strong and the lower tension, especially in Irish tuning, makes the friction tuners usable, finally. I dislike the harsh metallic sound of the typical jazz banjo, so the nylon strings give me the mellow sound I'm looking for.


Thanks for getting in touch. May I ask if you're using the century-old classic banjo arrangements like those available here:

or making up your own?

I have a friend whose wife won't let him play Irish banjo when she's home because it's too loud. Maybe gut strings are the answer. :-)

Please let me know how your Silver Bell works out.

Have a great week,


Author:  paulrace [ Tue Sep 19, 2017 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Banjo suggestions about string suggestions

I'm learning from a teacher (Michael Nix - who is a classical guitarist and uses a 7 string banjo he had custom made. We're using two books: first is a a Mel Bay book by Frank Bradbury and the second is a vintage book by Herbert J. Ellis entitled Ellis's Thorough School for the Five Stringed Banjo ( I also came up with my own basic arrangements to some more familiar songs - I'll Fly Away, Freight Train, The Water is Wide, and a duet for Drunken Sailor set up as a round. You're welcome to any of these.

Nix and I have attended the last two banjo rallies put on by the American Banjo Fraternity (

I'll be glad to let you know how the Silver Bells work out.

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