Creek Don't Rise

Howard Lamey Dulcimers
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Author:  paulrace [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Howard Lamey Dulcimers

Several years ago, I learned that a retired friend of mine, Howard Lamey, used to make these in his shop, but had to give up woodworking some years before we met. His designs included lizard cutouts where most people put hearts, etc. Sadly, he had sold his last dulcimer only a few months before I made his aquaintance. I have two very inexpensive dulcimers I use on occasion for "folk ensembles," and, frankly, my dulcimer playing doesn't "deserve" any better. But I do regret never having my hands on one of Howards' instruments. If your dulcimer has lizard cutouts, check for the builder's signature and let me know if you have one of these fine instruments in your possession.

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