Creek Don't Rise

Clawhammer Uke
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Author:  singalongsue [ Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Clawhammer Uke

I stumbled across the concept of a clawhammer uke at (a very interesting website - don't miss the Tabs and Videos pages). One thing I'm not sure of -- do you hit the melody note (the first note - Aaron Keim calls it the "tock" of the tock-tick-a pattern) with the top of your nail, or by plucking it? I think the top of your nail is the right approach, but i'm not sure. Are there any clawhammer banjo players out there who know the answer?

Author:  paulrace [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clawhammer Uke

Looks like Aaron is using the back of his finger nail for the downbeat on BOTH the 5-string banjo and the Uke, stroking downwards across the string. Sounds great, but after 44 years of picking upward on the 5-string's downbeat, I don't know if I could ever make the adjustment. :-(

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