Creek Don't Rise

Autoharp Factory Tunings Article
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Author:  paulrace [ Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Autoharp Factory Tunings Article

I've been researching autoharps, in part because I wanted to try converting one to Diatonic, but I've learned a whole lot, including how much I DIDN'T know about the things. So a series of articles is in the works. The first one is mostly a "foundational" article describing the most popular kinds of autoharps that have been made over the years and what chord setups they used/use.

If you're wondering, say, if a 21-chorder will really give you more of the chords you need than a 15-chorder, or anything along that line, you should find this article helpful. ... unings.htm

We'll be following up with articles on ways to make autoharps more "folk-friendly," that is, adding chords you need for Folk, Bluegrass, Country, and Pop music by sacrificing chords you don't.

Stay tuned . . . . .:-)

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